Need to open a ticket with CSS? Here’s the data we need…

Author: Tushar Pathak, with assistance from Shea Caperoon


Log collection

When opening a support issue it’s critical that we have the right information to fully investigate the issue.  Support engineers often get asked by customers what data would be most useful to provide in order to have the case move forward as efficiently as possible. Having this data in first instance speeds up the resolution and avoids going back in circles.

Please refer to following chart for log collection based on the issue. When possible please submit these logs to the support engineer who is assigned to the case.


SfB Client side

User unable to join a SFB meeting (intra & inter

Client Logs + meeting url + Time of the issue

User is unable to sign in

Client Logs + packet capture

SFB client is crashing or hanging

Client Logs + eventviewer logs + Time of

SFB is not connecting to Exchange error

Client Logs + SfB Configuration Info

Client is not saving conversation history

Client Logs + SfB Configuration Info

IM and Presence related issues

 Client Logs + Sip address + Time of

A/V or App sharing failing w/ network issues

Client Logs + Network Capture + Time of

Meeting Schedule Delegation issues

Client Logs + SfB Config Info

Mobility issues (sign-in, meeting join, AV

Go to settings -->Logging --> Ensure logging is
turned on and click send logs

PSTN Calling / Conf issues

Meeting ID/caller-Calle number + timestamp




Client Logs  

From SfB/Lync Client, sign out or Cancel sign in

From the client sign in screen, select Delete My Sign In Information

From Tools > Options > enable client-side logging
Options > Tools > General tab.

    Turn on logging = Full (This is default in 2013/2016 client)

    Select "Also collect troubleshooting info using Windows Event Logging"

Exit the SfB/Lync client entirely (Alt + File >

Exit Outlook entirely

Go to Start > Run > type

For SfB 2016


For SfB/Lync 2013


Delete folders starting with sip_

Rename the Tracing folder to Tracing_bak

Restart SfB/Lync client, and then reproduce the error condition – please capture a screen shot of error condition and the system time so error logs can be correlated.

Exit client completely again and gather logging

Zip entire Tracing folder from location above



SFB Configuration Information

    1. Navigate down to the taskbar and do a CTRL+RightClick on the Skype for Business icon. 
    1. On the menu shown, select the Configuration Information option.
    1. A pop-up window will open. Click on the button named Copy and paste the clipboard into a text file or reply email.



Troubleshooting network related

For eg. ICE
issues, TLS/TCP handshake issues, Audio quality issues, etc


tools for capturing network packets

1st option
full Netmon


2nd option

Oneclick  (no install


3rd option
Netsh trace

Inbuilt in
windows, just run the following cmdlets in cmd with elevated rights

trace start capture=yes scenario=internetclient

trace stop


netsh trace start scenario=netconnection capture=yes

Netsh trace stop


4h option
Message analyzer




Network Capture on windows (GUI)

1.       Download fill netmon
from above website per the operating system bitness

2.       Install full netmon
on the affected machine

3.       Run as

4.       Start capture,
reproduce the issue and stop capture

5.       Save the netmon



Network Capture on windows

    1. Open a Command Prompt as Administrator
    1. Create a folder on the local disk by running the
    1. Run the command:
      trace start scenario=netconnection capture=yes packettruncatebytes=512
      tracefile=c: css-temp%computername%_nettrace.etl maxsize=2000
      filemode=circular overwrite=yes report=yes
    1. Wait for the command to finish
    1. Reproduce the problem
    1. Run the command:
      c:>netsh trace

      and wait for the command to finish
    1. Ask customer to upload the two file in c:css-temp
      to the case


Network Capture Mac

    1. Open a Terminal session
    1. Run the commands

sudo tcpdump -w ~/Desktop/CaptureMSFT.pcap

    1. Enter the admin credential to elevate
    1. Reproduce the problem
    1. Press CTRL+C to stop the capture
    1. Ask customer to upload the file CaptureMSFT.pcap
      from the Desktop



from TechNet Blogs
Need to open a ticket with CSS? Here’s the data we need… Need to open a ticket with CSS? Here’s the data we need… Reviewed by Unknown on March 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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